
Field Ministry at Scripture Union USA  


Scripture Union's Field Ministry carries out the vision and mission of Scripture Union through organizing programs and training volunteers in three major ministry areas: school year outreach to children through PrimeTime®, the faith-based after school program, SuperKids®, the summer outreach to unchurched children, and through The Essential 100 Challenge, a new and creative way to engage entire church congregations in Bible reading.

Field staff members are currently located in New York City, New England and the Philadelphia area. Area Directors are presently needed for Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Pittsburgh and Southern California. Those applying for Area Director positions should have strong leadership gifts, management and training skills along with significant experience in working with elementary age children.

Scripture Union also has a variety of volunteer opportunities for hands on ministry with children through SuperKids®, PrimeTime® and The Essential 100 Bible Reading program. Those interested in any of the above mentioned ministry opportunities with Scripture Union may obtain additional information and application forms by contacting SU's National Field Director, Gil Reynders at GilR@ScriptureUnion.org or 1-508-468-7596. Resumes are welcome and may be sent by email as an attachment.

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